It's been 1week since pika has come home with us. Alot of improvement since 1st 2days when its always trembling in fear. Paper trained on pee-ing but not poo-ing - I know this is quite O.o. Still not really recognising it's own name yet but have bonded really well with family members.

Brought it out today to pet safari to walk walk, haven go in then tremble in fear le. Hugging Jade like koala bear. Then brought it to my home, it's 1st time!, and dare not anyhow run till only 30mins later after it pee-ed on de newspaper then started standing on 2 legs with the support of our body ! Got really well after that then started to play fetch with it with pika's bite bite (a toy where puppies bite when teething). I am really worried about it's 3rd vaccination on monday. So ke lian >.<

Pika, mummy and daddy <3 You <3


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